faith, hope and love

Sunday, August 07, 2005

High Fives

Thanks to Paz and Star for tagging me:

5 CDs In My Player:

  1. Kelli Clarkson--Breakaway (for the pop princess in me)
  2. Avril Lavigne-- Under My Skin(for the angry punk girl in me)
  3. Ms Saigon Soundtrack (I love Broadway! And I love Lea!)
  4. Vivaldi's Four Seasons (always makes me feel happy)
  5. The Lord of the Ring Soundtrack (whenever Vince is driving, he has to listen to this, so I end up listening to it)
5 Movies I've Seen Recently:

  1. Batman Begins
  2. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
  3. Unleashed
  4. Star Wars Episode 3
  5. The Incredibles
5 Nice Things That Happened To You Lately:

  1. Vince shaved his moustache/goatee (or fu-man chu as he calls it)
  2. Will start new job tomorrow (I should be sleeping now)
  3. Finished most of the unpacking; I can finally see the floor.
  4. I'm back on DSL, yaayy. No more dial-up service. I can blog and read others blogs.
  5. I got engaged!
what are the things you enjoy doing when there's no one around you?

  1. Belt out Broadway and Pop songs (off-key, of course, much to my neighbors' dismay)
  2. Dance and practice steps
  3. Play computer games such as Yahoo's Bookworm
  4. Read books or articles out loud using different accents (yes, I am a weirdo)
  5. Put together different outfits and modelling them in front of the mirror (ok, you can laugh now)
what lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level?

  1. praying, quiet time with GOD, reading the bible
  2. exercise --yoga or a good cardio
  3. Classical music/ Brahms Lullabies
  4. going out/spending time/chatting with friends
  5. Vince
If you are reading this and you haven't done it yet, I tag you.


At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi shelly! i wonder how good your british accent is?

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fun list! no you are not weird for reading with different accents nor should we laugh when you model different outfits. i do that too!

but probably not quite as often as you do -- hehe -- just kidding!

At 7:03 PM, Blogger shellybeeens said...

Paz: not that good; that's why I practice out loud...hehehehe

Marie: hahaha i knew you were weird, too. j/k

At 10:34 PM, Blogger shellybeeens said...

Thanks, Michelle

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Marj and Carlos said...

Hi Shelley. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Come back again okay?

At 3:22 AM, Blogger V-Hume said...

Um...not to sound like a nerd, but exercising and working out actually increases your blood pressure while you're doing it. We all know that long term effects of cardio lowers bp, but is that what the question was asking?

At 9:32 AM, Blogger shellybeeens said...

V: I understand exercise increases your bp while you're doing it. but for me exercise releases tension, and so while it physiologically increase my bp soon after, i feel better and relaxed thus lowering my stress. Yes, I know you are wondering that if that is so, why am I not doing it more often.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger shellybeeens said...


I think I need to correct the item #5 on what lowers my stress/bp. :)
Depending on the situation, Vince lowers or increases my stress, bp, anxiety level

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Marj and Carlos said...

Hi Shelly. Will link you up ha. Congratulations on your engagement :)


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